Parisa Soraya
MHI ’17, Health Informatics
Over one-half of all American adults live with one or more chronic medical conditions. The staggering rates of depression and suicide on college campuses have led to an increased push on administration to better serve the mental health needs of its students. Counseling services at universities are typically understaffed and the mental health of students living with chronic illness are typically not specifically met. Outside of college campuses, the chronic illness community at large is enormously disconnected. Often called “invisible illnesses,” feelings of loneliness are pervasive among these populations as patients do not feel fully understood or interpersonally connected, resulting in a high prevalence of depression. Find Your Ditto seeks to flip the traditional hospital support group structure on its head–no longer are individuals with chronic illness confined to getting support on a restricted date/time/location/topic basis. With Find Your Ditto, individuals with chronic illness can find a support system whenever and wherever they need it and begin to feel like “it’s not just me.” No other service for individuals with chronic illness provides an opportunity for on-demand nor in-person peer support. We are collaborating with the University of Michigan University Health Services (UHS) and Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) to promote the service to University of Michigan students.
Library Mentor: Patricia Anderson