Mentality Magazine

Madalyn Purcell

BSI ’17, School of Information

Mentality Magazine is the first magazine at the University of Michigan dedicated solely to mental health. Through our magazine, we strive to open the dialogue and encourage people to prioritize their mental health. Mental health is a rising topic that is relevant to every single person at this university, yet it is often misunderstood or unaddressed. We aim to educate the Michigan community about mental health and what it really means to be affected by a mental illness. We also aim to change how people view and talk about mental health, how they treat others who are struggling, and how they address their own mental health and that of the people around them. The content of our magazine will include personal stories, inspirational pieces, artwork, photo features, spotlights on other student organizations, and interviews with professionals/experts. We also plan to promote the common interests of the many campus organizations devoted to mental health, such as Active Minds, SAPAC, WSN, and CAPS, by collaborating with them to publicize relevant campus events, news, and resources. Our publication will be completely free and distributed across campus in effort to engage as many people as we can in our conversations. By printing a mental health magazine, we are taking advantage of a unique opportunity to represent mental health through visual art, photography, design, and written articles – all of which can be physically placed in front of people and can inspire them to discuss mental health and thereby see its importance.

Library Mentors: Hailey Mooney and Breanna Hamm