
Emily Mylrea

BFA ’17, Art & Design

I will be creating eight large-scale paintings based on Okinawa bingata, a type of textile with patterns unique to the Ryukyu Islands. Bingata is characterized by their bright and exotic images often used for traditional garments similar to kimono; however, it differs greatly from the aesthetic practice of mainland Japan. Okinawa has a rich history. For many centuries, it was the main port island of the East. As a result, Okinawa formed a hybrid culture, appropriating food, religion and art from countries such as India, China, and smaller surrounding islands. Japan never truly embraced Ryukyuan as one of its own. To make matters worse, the aftermath of WWII resulted in the American occupation of Okinawa. As someone that was born and raised in Okinawa before moving to America, I have struggled in finding a place to belong, further complicated by the tension between my two homes. I will be working with UMMA and the Museum of Anthropological Archaeology to research the history and gather diverse images of Western patterns and Asian/Okinawan patterns. These patterns will be layered over and under each other multiple times to address the complicated relationships formed between Okinawa, mainland Japan, and America, while exploring my own identity through these relationships. Through my personal examination of multicultural background, I will consider how identities intersect. Inviting multiracial people to join this conversation is pertinent in our society to encourage understanding of diverse experiences.

Library Mentor: Jamie Vander Broek