The Chincha Merchants- Balancing the Past and Present

Jordan Dalton

The Chincha Merchants- Balancing the Past and Present” is a Public Archaeology and Community Science Project in the Chincha Valley of Peru. The project uses the rich history of the site of Las Huacas to bridge the gap between researchers and the community of the Centro Poblado Las Huacas. Excavations at the archaeological site of Las Huacas recovered multiple scales (or balance beams) that would have been used by the ancient people. The exact use of these enigmatic artifacts is not fully understood — were they used by independent traveling merchants or do they represent state control of important resources such as metals and camelid wool? Regardless of their exact use, these items were important for the ancient inhabitants of Las Huacas. This project will work with students 8-12yrs at the local school of Centro Poblado Las Huacas. Students will learn about the history of the region and the site, and get to make, use and decorate their own scales. The goal of the project is to make the cultural history of the region accessible to local inhabitants and to demonstrate the importance of preserving cultural heritage.

Library Mentor:  Justin Schell