An Exploration of Ann Arbor’s Marginalized Narratives

Madeleine Messinger

BFA ’18

For my Senior Integrative Project in the Stamps School of Art & Design, I will take on the roles of “artist”, “historian”, and “curator”. I plan to create a 6’ x 10’ large scale multimedia artist book that will tell the marginal (or lesser known) stories of Ann Arbor’s history. Some narratives that I may explore involve the origin of Ann Arbor’s name and the shifting demographics of the area. For example, people may be unaware of the demographic shift that has occurred in Ann Arbor, specifically the gentrification of the Kerrytown historical district. It’s important to memorialize these stories which could easily be forgotten or disregarded so that past mistakes are not repeated. My research and updates on my project can be found at

Library Mentors: Jamie Vander Broek and Julie Herrada