Soulless: A Social Entrepreneurship Start-up that Needs Art to Educate People about Ecology and Combat Mass Extinctions in Ecuador

Chris Karounos

MS ‘19, Natural Resources and Environment

This student team is seeking to combat ongoing deforestation and prevent species extinctions through the creation of a social impact video game. The game’s purpose is two-pronged. First, it is educational. In order to advance in the game, the player must apply concepts in ecology and conservation. In addition to being educational, the second purpose is to donate a portion of revenue to fund real life reforestation projects run by Third Millennium Alliance in Ecuador. Its real-world significance is not only through educating the online community but also through curbing biodiversity loss and climate change (regenerating tropical forests sequester megatons of carbon dioxide). This innovation will serve the international community by mitigating climate change through funding reforestation You can learn more about current team members at

Library Mentor: Justin Schell