Serving with Pride: Expanding Information about Nondiscriminatory Service Providers for LGBT Older Adults

Angela Perone

PhD ’19, Social Work & Sociology

In response to the discrimination that older adults in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community face in healthcare, employment, and businesses, “Serving with Pride” created a novel resource guide for LGBT older adults, allies, and service providers. LGBT older adults often struggle to find affirming service providers that commit to providing just services with dignity and care. This resource guide (both in electronic and print versions) will signal which organizations and businesses have policies protecting this community through the use of innovative icons. It also will provide the first focus on service providers in the aging network, an area often overlooked in such guides. Additionally, “Serving with Pride” will require organizations listed to sign a commitment to provide affirming and equal services to LGBT older adults.

Library Mentor: Darlene Nichols