Unpacking the Spice: Understanding Reproductive Health in Grenada

Sade Richardson

MPH/MSW’18, Health Behavior and Health Education & Management of Human Services

According to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, “Women’s sexual and reproductive health is related to multiple human rights, including the right to life, the right to be free from torture, the right to health, the right to privacy, the right to education, and the prohibition of discrimination.” For this project, I will be working with the Grenada Planned Parenthood Association and will be developing a research protocol for the National Sexual and Reproductive Health Survey, an estimated budget to execute the national survey, and by extension, improve the human rights of women through learning more about their reproductive health needs. This survey has implications on the services provided by the agency and on policy for the country as it is the first survey of its kind in Grenada. This project will assist the organization with creating the steps for administering a National Sexual and Reproductive Health Survey and by extension, improve the human rights of women through learning more about their reproductive health needs. I believe that implementing this survey can improve social justice as it provides a voice for women and an opportunity for women to take control of how their sexual and reproductive health is perceived. Furthermore, expansion of services by the agency will result in better health outcomes for the community regardless of socioeconomic status.

Library Mentor: Kate Saylor